Monday, November 20, 2006

Life And The Universe (Info about me, and what this blog is about)

Hi Since this is my first post I will explain a bit about me and what I would like to acomplish with this blog.
First my name is Daniel Hathaway, im 14, Live in Sherwood Park Alberta for almost all of my life. My dad is Rus Hathaway; Creator of. T.h.e.e (The Home Education Exchange), Cyber High (Online High School Campous), Datacast Solutions (Datevase Consultant, and Podcasting [ "Turning Info into Knowledge"]), Aspire (Online High school Campous). So as you can see my dad is quite sucsessfull, and he has sold all of those comanies except for Datacast Solutions. I am homeschooled, I am doing grade 9 L.A, and Math...But Science.. O science is mine! I am studying Quantum Physics, Newton Physics, and the universe..... In order to start my verge into the world of Quantum Physics, I am reading The Universe On A Tee-Shirt. It is an interesting book and I suggest to buy it and attempt to read it. So far in the book it has showed me that in the old time (700 bc- 100 ad) there was alot of confusion and lead to the birth of science... Some people think that the birth of science was when the first solar eclipse was predicted... But for now I am reading about the birth of modern science, with Newton, and Galileo. I think Galileo was one of the most sucsessfull scientist, without getting his highschool deploma.. But one of the most famous myths abotu Galileo was that he climbed to the top of the leaning tower of pisa (He lived at this time in Pita) and dropped a ball of coper and a ball of bone.. Same Size, and Weight, and they both hit the ground at the same time, which disproved the theory before of that things (objects and humans) Attract and Repeal from each other based on if they like the ground or not... E.G- if you drop an apple it it hits the ground, it didn't fall cause of gravity, it fell cause the apple likes the ground. If you tripped and fell face first into the ground, it was cause at that time your face loved the ground. Galileo proved gravity, also he witnessed one of the only 2 supernovas in recorded history... One in 1569 that Tycho Brah studied/Witnessed, and One in 1609 which Galileo and Johan Keppler witnessed....

My thery is tho after watching Down the rabbit whole. (good movie to rent explains alot) You are never really touching anything, and if you got down to the mere adams that the spaces between the adams, if yours changes to fit inbetween the spaces, you will become a whole and be able to walk throuhg a wall...

Until Thursday, so long and fair well.

(p.s.- I will be blogging every Tuesday, and Thursday...Coments are welcome!!!)

1 comment:

Celeste said... :P